Different Types of Windshield Cracks Explained

Can You Repair a Cracked Windshield

Are you distracted by an unsightly crack in your windshield? You can identify problems early by identifying the type of crack in your windshield. This will help you decide on how to repair it. Each type of crack has its own characteristics. Whether you have a small chip or a more serious fracture, knowing these can help maintain your car and ensure a clear view.

  • Star Break
  • Bull’s Eye
  • Half Moon Crack
  • Long cracks
  • Edge Crack
  • Stress Crack
  • Combination Break

Star Break

Star breaks have a central point of impact surrounded by many straight cracks radiating outward. They resemble a starburst design.

A hard object, such as a rock, can cause a windshield to crack when it strikes with great force. This crack may have several legs, sometimes extending up to four. The repair is more complicated than with other types of breaks.

To fix a star-break crack, you will need specialized tools that can fill the entire star’s legs with resin. Untreated star breaks can cause the crack to spread and compromise other parts of the windshield. The size of the starbreak may require the entire windshield to be replaced.

Bull’s Eye

Bull’s-eye cracks are circular cones that result from a direct collision, which is usually caused by road debris. This type of crack is characterized by a prominent center that resembles a target and a smooth outer circle.

Bull’s-eye cracks in windshields are usually larger than surface pits, and they are easy to repair. Bull’s eye windshield cracks are less common on newer, thinner glass, but a complete replacement of the windshield may be required if it is large.

Half-Moon Crack

A half-moon chip is a semicircular crack shaped like half of a circle. It is usually caused by a small rock or stone striking the windshield, although this is not as common as other types.

A half-moon is worse to fix due to its shape and other characteristics. It does not hold the same structure as a bull’s eye. You may need to replace your whole windshield depending on how big of a crack it is and where it’s located.

Long Crack

The cracks can extend for several inches and reduce visibility. They are usually caused by an impact or temperature changes.

Long cracks, unlike other types of breaks, are usually straight and vary in size. These cracks normally begin at the point of first impact and then expand diagonally or horizontally.

Long cracks are usually more challenging to repair because of their length and the possibility of spreading. A long crack may require a complete windshield replacement in many cases. This is especially true if it’s longer than 6 inches.

Edge Crack

Edge cracks are found at the edge of the windshield. They usually start within 2 inches. The breaks can be caused by improper installation, or road debris. Untreated edge cracks are a particular concern because they can spread rapidly.

Edge cracks are more difficult to repair than cracks at the center. In some cases they require a complete windshield replacement.

Stress Crack

Stress cracks or spontaneous cracks are caused by internal stress in the windshield glass. They often occur without any impact on the windshield. Cracks may appear due to sudden temperature changes. For example, when a hot glass is exposed to cold air.

Stress cracks can appear anywhere on the glass and are often long, straight lines. Stress cracks are more unpredictable because they do not originate from a particular point of impact. They may also be unrepairable depending on the size and location.

Combination Break

Combination breaks have characteristics of different crack types because they are caused by a greater impact. These breaks usually include elements from a star and bull’s-eye break. Due to their complexity, combination breaks often require professional repair.

Combination breaks must be fixed as soon as possible because they compromise the structural integrity of your windshield and visibility. Depending on the extent of the break, it might either be repairable or a replacement windshield will be required.

Why Choose At Home Auto Glass for Windshield Crack Replacement & Repair?

This is not a mere problem that your auto glass could be cracked or chipped but also raises the issue of safety if left to be this way. For restoring integrity to your vehicle and improvement of visibility in roads, there’s At Home Auto Glass, an organization that will do professional repair and replacement on auto glass.

We are committed to delivering prompt, timely service that fits your schedule. We guarantee your satisfaction with our promise of neighborly done.

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