Advanced Driver Assistance Systems are not new. Auto manufacturers have been adding these to cars since the 1970s. Anti-lock brakes are the first ADAS features. They help prevent skidding when emergency braking is conducted.
All modern cars boast at least one ADAS system that makes driving much safer. Those can include lane departure warnings and adaptive cruise control. They also come with automatic emergency braking, relying on cameras and sensors embedded in the windshield. You might need to calibrate your windshield after the replacement should the glass be damaged.
What Is Windshield Calibration?
Chances are that you’ve heard of enhanced safety features on your automobile, for instance, AEBs and lane departure warnings. You can easily notice that they have an indicator on the dashboard, and they beep every time you make a motion to cross into another lane or hit something.
Aligned cameras and sensors in your windshield must work well. This is what windshield calibration is all about: calibration and fine-tuning those sensors to make them perfectly aligned.
There are two types of calibrations: static and dynamics. Static calibration involves aligning the sensors using target images and special equipment while your vehicle is parked. Dynamic calibration is when you drive your car in certain conditions to allow the sensors to adjust themselves according real-world data.
Both types of calibration is crucial to the accuracy of ADAS functions. After calibration is crucial for the accurate functioning of ADAS features.
Ensure that your vehicle’s security systems are working properly and reliably.
The Role of Adas for Vehicle Safety
You may have recently replaced your windscreen and not calibrated the ADAS. So far, it’s been working fine. You may be wondering “Is calibration required after windshield replacement?”
Some other interesting facts are as follows. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has conducted in-depth studies.
Research that evaluated the safety benefits associated with popular ADAS Technologies
Some of these technologies include BSM, LKA, and FCW. The results of the research were amazing. If all these features were featured in all vehicles and used each year, then some 2.7 million crashes, 1.1million injuries, and 9500 deaths could have been prevented. Here’s a brief overview of the ADAS features that protect you when driving:
Accident prevention: The forward collision warning (FCW) and automatic emergency brake (AEB) features prevent accidents by alerting the driver and applying brakes automatically.
Improved Awareness: The blind spot monitoring system (BSM) and lane-keeping assistance (LKA) improve the driver’s awareness of his position on the road, which decreases blind spot incidents and unintentional lane deviations.
Reduced fatigue of the driver: Adaptive Cruise Control maintains a safe distance between vehicles, reducing stress during long drives.
Increased safety: Combining the two systems reduces road accidents and injuries.
The sensors in your windshield may not work efficiently if their calibration is wrong, which will expose you and other road users to danger. Calibration of the sensors will enable your ADAS to detect possible hazards and respond accordingly. Safety systems in your vehicle require recalibration when you replace your windshield for them to work correctly.
You’re at risk with a faulty ADAS–make calibration a top priority.
How Do You Know If Your Adas Calibration Is Needed?
ADAS calibration is not only required for a windshield replacement. Here are five situations that may require calibration or recalibration.
- Windshield Replacement: If you’ve had your windshield replaced.
- Collision or Accident: An impact of a large size can cause your ADAS to be thrown off.
- Dashboard Alerts: You may see warning lights and error messages on your ADAS.
- Poor ADAS performance: If you notice that your ADAS features such as lane departure warnings and cruise control don’t work like they used to.
- Vehicle Repair After major repairs to the suspension or structure. If you recognize any of the above, it is time to schedule an ADAS Calibration. Keep your car running smoothly and safely.
At Home Auto Glass Is the Place to Go for Accurate Windshield Calibration
Check the safety of your vehicle. Visit At Home Auto Glass for professional windshield calibration. Our dynamic and static calibration will keep your ADAS working properly.
We provide excellent customer service to make the Auto-glass services process simple. We offer a variety of convenient options. Locations for windshield repair It’s never been easier to calibrate your windshield. Check At Home Auto Glass today we can help you drive with confidence.